We took the stereo typical trip to Cracker Barrel since it was near the motel. The husband isn't a fan of them but it was quiet and easy.
Then we drove to another of my Groupon deals: Museum of Appalachia.
It is a cool museum with lots of building, a Hall Of Fame packed full of memorabilia and animals. When we were there a school group came right after us. We hustled through so not to get caught up with all those children. Plus it was getting hot. Cute museum with a gift shop and serves food.
While driving towards our next stop we hit a few thrift stores. KARM thrift stores popped up on my google map. We checked out a couple. I found yet another balling ball bag with a ball still in it. That brings me up to 3. I think I need to stop.
For dinner we stopped in Glascow, Kentucky and picked Colton's Steak House. It was like Texas Roadhouse back home. They give you peanuts, rolls and a heap of food with whatever you order. The waitress was great. She thought the husband was from Ohio. His New York that he thinks is Southern is quite obvious.
The husband loved the steak seasoning so much we had to buy some. Now weeks later we have used up almost the whole bottle. I haven't been able to find where to buy it online. I guess we need to go back.
Glasgow, Kentucky is not far from our next stop - Cave City, Kentucky. During this trip we had no reservations for motels. I used my phone to find motels nearby that were reasonably priced. I am getting better at it than the last vacation.
Since Cave City motels seemed to be within the same price we decided to try the Wigwam #2 Motel to see if they had a vacancy. I had read about the Wigwam when researching vacation. I figured it would be out of our price range. We try to keep it cheap. I would have camped, but the husband said he was not putting the tent up just for a night at a time. One day we will have a pop up trailer so we can get back to camping.
We lucked out and Wigwam was available. I had read about Rae's trip out west and her stay at a Wigwam
HERE and was enamored and curious. It ended up being one of the best places we stayed. The Wigwam was so cute inside. The husband complained about how small every door was. He didn't even try to get into the shower. I used it and felt like the whole stay was like going back in time. I would definitely recommend Wigwam #2 and go there again.
I think I took the most pictures of the Wigwam than some of our other spots.
The bathroom was so cute. It reminded me of my grandmother's bathroom.